Hengyi Pacific Website Privacy Policy

Hengyi Pacific NZ Limited and its related companies ("we", "us", "our") are committed to protecting your privacy. This privacy policy gives you information on how we collect and use your personal information through the Hengyi Pacific website via www.Hengyi.co.nz

We need to collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in order to allow you enquire about joint venture or potential land sale opportunities with Hengyi Pacific, Virtual Lobby or to contact us. This Privacy Policy explains how, when doing that, we comply with our obligations under the Privacy Act 1993, and the new Privacy Act 2020 (both "the Privacy Act", as applicable).


This privacy policy applies to “personal information” as defined in the Privacy Act and includes any information that can be used to identify an individual. This may include names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and professions or occupations. If the information we collect personally identifies an individual or an individual is reasonably identifiable from it, the information will be considered to be personal information.

We collect personal information from visitors of the website when they register their interest in ‘JV’, submit a ‘Virtual Lobby’ and ‘Contact Us’ form. This privacy policy covers how we collect, use, store, process and disclose the personal information collected from these users.


We may collect the following types of personal information through the website:

  • Identity information: including first name, last name, title, company;

  • Contact information: contact address, site address, email address and telephone numbers of Users;

You can choose not to provide your personal information to us, but that may impact on our ability to provide further information to you. 


 We use different methods to collect personal information from and about you:

  • You may give us your personal information by entering/uploading it to the website, filling out forms or by corresponding with us by post, phone, email or otherwise.

We will receive personal information about you from various third parties as set out below:

o  From our related companies and affiliates that collect information on our behalf.


We may use cookies and other interactive techniques such as web beacons to collect information about how you use our website to:

  • Provide you with a more enjoyable, customised service and experience on the website;

  • Help us develop and deliver better customer service which are customised to Users' interests; and

  • Help us manage security and fraud risks.

You can usually set the settings on your browser to let you know when you are offered cookies so that you can decide whether or not to accept them.  However, if you disable or refuse cookies, please be aware that some parts of this website may not function properly.

Third-Party Links  

The website may include links to third-party websites, plug-ins and applications.  Clicking on those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share data about you.  We do not control these third-party websites and are not responsible for how they may use your personal information. Our privacy policy applies only to our website, so if you click on a link to another website, you should read their privacy policy.



We will use your personal information to:

  • Conduct identity verification and background checks for screening potential JV opportunities

  • Answer enquiries and provide information or advice about Hengyi Pacific

  • Continually improve the website and the services and products that may be provided through it;

  • Assist with any queries or that you may have;

  • Carry out marketing analysis.


We may need to share your personal information with:

  • Related companies and affiliates who may need to use your personal information for the same purposes as us;

  • Third parties involved in helping us improve the website and its service. For this purpose, we will use aggregated, statistical data from and about Users and will not disclose information which identifies you;

  • Credit reference agencies;

  • Anyone who we need to share information with by reason of law or to address any complaints you make or are made about your information to a third party or regulator (such as the Privacy Commissioner).

Information is only disclosed to these organisations for the purposes set out in, and in accordance with, this Privacy Policy. We take reasonable steps to ensure that these organisations are bound by confidentiality and privacy obligations in relation to the protection of your personal information.


In some cases, we may also need to share your personal information with third parties outside of New Zealand.  Personal information that you provide to us may be stored by organisations outside of New Zealand. For example, we use Microsoft Azure data centres in Australia to host and store data (including personal information).

Prior to transferring any personal information overseas, we do our best to ensure that it will be protected by safeguards that are comparable to those provided under New Zealand privacy laws, or will otherwise be protected to a comparable degree by those overseas service providers or companies (eg, by contractual obligation). In each case, personal information will only be used in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy. 


Information transmitted over the internet is not always secure, but we will use reasonable security safeguards to protect information we hold against loss, access, use, modification and unauthorised disclosure.   We have procedures to deal with any suspected personal information breaches and will notify you and the Privacy Commissioner where there is a notifiable privacy breach under the Privacy Act.


We will only retain your personal information for as long as we have a legitimate business need to do so (in connection with the purposes set out above). Where we no longer have an ongoing legitimate business need to retain and store your personal information, we will either delete or anonymise it, or, if this is not possible (for example because such information has been stored in backup archives), then we will securely store your personal information and isolate it from further access until deletion is possible. We will de-identify and aggregate information wherever possible.


You have rights to see and request the correction of any personal information we hold about you.  If you want to exercise these rights or to ask us questions about this privacy policy, please contact us using the following details:

Hengyi Pacific NZ Limited, 9/152 Quay Street, 1010, Auckland Central, New Zealand

Email address: adminnz@hengyi.co.nz

This privacy policy is governed by New Zealand law.  For more information about privacy issues in New Zealand and protecting your privacy, visit the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner's website



We keep our privacy policy under regular review and will provide notice of changes to this privacy policy on the Portal.

This privacy policy was last updated on 17th December 2022.